On Tuesday 7/15/2014, Wall Street Chinese gave a weekly special summer camp for children at Charles Churn Christian Academy. There were 20 children from 3 to 15 year olds old.  We had one Mandarin teacher and one art and culture teacher for each workshop.

After 3 Feng Shui workshops for the last three weeks, we now started 3 Chinese Music workshops. In the 1st music workshop, The instrument “pipa” was introduced to the children. They learned the history of pipa and experience the basic playing methods. Then one traditional song “Shi Mian Mai Fu”was performed by musician teacher Ju Jia. This is a great way to combine music with imagination and Chinese language learning.  By  the end, the children requested the teacher  to play American music using this traditional Chinese instrument!

We will introduce “Er Hu” in the coming week. It is hard to say goodbye every time to the lovely children there. Zai Jian!

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