“One Minute Mandarin” Host and Wall Street Chinese founder Helen Liu Talking about Teaching Business Chinese for 15 years

By Helen Hanying Liu, trainer and founder of Wall Street Chinese

In 2011, two years after I founded Wall Street Chinese at Financial district(Wall Street),  Steve Warren of ChinaAmericaRadio and I met at a Chinese new year party. I had the idea of teaching Chinese to the public for a while and he had the experience and idea of producing an audio mandarin program, so we clicked and started right away. For one year every week, I travelled to his studio at Long Island city to record lessons.  I normally chose a “theme” to teach during the week. I not only designed the class,but also teach all the class myself. Normally from easiest to the hardest language points from Monday to Friday. On Fridays I tried to focus on business (formal) Chinese. I don’t know how many audience I had, but I did receive a cooking book from Asia through ChinaAmericahitRadio. Below is the link for lessons. http://chinamerica.fm/mandarin/

Chinese language is becoming a very important business language for now and future.  Learning Chinese for Business requires a lot of commitment, passion and focus.

For busy career oriented students, the most effective way is private training as the trainer can focus on your learning objectives and choose business case studies relating to your field. Learning Chinese can certain help you to be more intelligent and gaining more wisdom too!

Applying Chinese in real life and business is also the key for success, so use it!