Wall Street Chinese Sharing Feng Shui With Business Communities

I didn’t believe in Feng Shui. I didn’t believe in fate. I only believed in myself.

But when everything I believed went wrong in earlier 2012, I got to know Dr LI by that year end.  Dr Li LI, who is a Phd in Bio – Physics form Connell university, worked at Golden Sachs at Wall Street, currently owning a hedge fund company with friend, is obviously having an very impressive academic and professional background. We happened to sit next to each other at a lunch table with 20 plus Chinese professionals. With a bad mood from my personal trouble,  I asked Li what does he do to be polite. He told me that he knew Feng Shui and could read people’s life! Out of shock and curiosity, I asked him to read me, he must told me some down to earth and accurate information so I asked him to take a look at my home Feng Shui the following week.

He came to my apt with a subtle peaceful energy which is not matched with his age. He told me he walked around my building earlier, he then made his calculations with his compass and started to tell me the truth of my home and explained to me what happened in my personal life. For the first time, I know that I need to believe in science and wisdom, that is Feng Shui, which includes Chinese and Western Astrology. So excited and passionate, I suggest to introduce Feng Shui to my students, colleagues, friends and to the business communities. We agreed on this very day to work together!

It has been two years since we start this journey of Feng Shui sharing. Dr LI gave many public Business Feng Shui lectures at Mercy College school of Business, Touro College of Business,  New York Real Estate Institute, US-China connections etc.  Dr Li also worked with many of my professional students, business executives and business owners for Feng Shui consulting projects. We got all positive feedback from all of them.  In the picture showed here, Dr LI was interviewed by Steve Warren of ChinaAmericanhitradio. com to talk about Feng Shui.

Wall Street Chinese is very proud to share Feng Shui with true spirit of helping and inspiring!

You can contact fengshui@wallstreetchinese.net for details.