Jack Ma’s English communication ability and other qualities for success

We still remember Mark Zuckerberg’s impressive Mandarin Q & A in Tsinghua two months ago? Please watch this old speech in Standford by Jack Ma probably five years ago.

Jack Ma’s speech in English was excellent, visionary and impressive, right?. It may take a longer time for people to appreciate Jack Ma’s vision and communication ability, but finally it happened when Alibaba went public two months ago with a record.

Learning language and communication skill is a must for businessmen who want to do business successfully internationally.That is why we found Wall Street Chinese five years ago. Of course, it takes vision to  invest time and energy to learn an ancient and difficult language and culture like Chinese. Wall Street Chinese want to help more business professionals, we start from Children! We hope to work with schools, companies, business organizations, parents and everyone!

It takes vision, courage, sharing spirit and hard work to succeed in life, work and business, Jack Ma set a good example,  he is a true leader whom I admire, he is a good person with moral quality!