China: Through The Looking Glass, in Culture and Business, how about start with Feng Shui?

Yesterday I went to the famous Metropolitan museum to watch the most talked fashion show about China: Through the Looking Glass. It is indeed beautiful, with movie scenes, antique dresses, fashions, videos, music etc, it hit your five senses with so much information, the rich history, the beauty of color and style, politics and most importantly the newly fashionable Chinese culture and art! Overwhelming, as it is!

When you open major newspaper everyday – Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial times etc, you would read about China business news as well as social news, one after another, China is indeed going through changes, not only Chinese people are different,  but also the Chinese market, Chinese mentality, Chinese psychology etc. When you walk on the street of New York, in Museums or restaurants, you would see so many Chinese, that means business cam be made from Chinese!

China has rich culture, China is more than just business, it is about culture, art and wisdom, also about respect!  If you do understand China and Chinese, you will be rich, financially and spiritually! If you want to learn more about China, contact Wall Street Chinese at @wallstchinese, or

How to resolve this Chinese puzzle, how about from a little history, culture and Feng Shui?

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