The answer is Fantastic. Why? Well, other than various media’s reports from the west, there are few reasons for Chinese to feel this way:

  1. It is a delayed symbolic spiritual victory over Japan after such a long recovery – 70 years,  for Chinese.
  2. To unite Chinese through a common national goal – stronger country and richer nation which is a reality today by Chinese government.
  3. To demonstrate Chinese’s desire for peace with a real action of cutting military personnel of nearly 20 percent.
  4. To give the respect to the anti Japanese veterans and their relatives after a long due.( I had tears when I watched their coming out first on the parade, largely are over 90 years old!)
  5. To give the world an impressive show again after the breath- taking Olympic 2008 Beijing.

So there is no Chinese who is not proud of this parade today, for one of the reason or all the reasons above. This morning the most popular Chinese social media platform – WeChat is full of personal expression with such  appreciation and happiness national wide. So this is a very successful event and a very worthwhile “national party” without doubt.

A lot of positive comments about Chairman Xi’s wife Peng Liyuan, who is a famous Chinese singer with a very elegant and classic Chinese red dress. She gives Chinese a lot of “Face”. China is going forward with a lot of business opportunity, but first you need to understand Chinese culture and history, isn’t it? If you have any question about China, email to or call 212 785 3088IMG_0035 parade1