Chinese Helping Jewish Refugees During World War II – Documentary Film “Survivals in Shanghai”

I went to watch this documentary film “Survivals in Shahghai” with surprise to find such a large audience on 11/16/2015. This movie was called by Rabbi Arthur Schneiur  “A tribute to the Chinese people who provided refuge to over 25,000 European Jews who fled Nazi oppression and found heaven in Shanghai”. As Chinese myself, I am very surprised that such a small number of Jews that China saved out of the 6 million which was killed by Nazi in Europe got so much appreciation by the Jews all over the world! It is also sad that most Chinese are not so familiar with this part of the history.

During the second  world war from 1937 to 1950, Chinese gave visas to some Jewish in Europe as refugees. Those Jewish had no place to go but Shanghai at the time. They came to China without any money, they were put in a ghetto with poor living condition, surround by poor Chinese in Hongkou district. From the movies, you could see that jewish were so strong, elegant, smart and always carry themselves with dignity. From the movie, you could see that they never lost their spirit, their passion in education and also their surviving capability.

Every one in the audience learn so much strength from this movie and this part of the history!

I am also very impressed by about 100 Jewish kids’ singing Chinese national Anthem in mandarin in the beginning. With so much similarity of the Chinese and jewish culture, China and Israel’s business opportunities, learning Chinese is going to be a hotter activity!