We bet that earning Chinese culture and health is going to be next hot topic after Mandarin learning.

Social media is making our life busier and busier and sometimes so just overwhelming! If learning is a pleasure in your life, why not try something like meditation, Yoga, calligraphy, Tai Chi, Feng Shui etc.  Those workshops will clam you down and also give you wisdom to make right decisions.

Wall Street Chinese has been providing special cultural, art and health workshops to the public since 2009.  We provided more than 30o workshops and got a lot of recognition by the society. Our workshop is always small with tons of chance to get interacted with the teachers. Here is our meetup group you can check and join sometimes. Right now, we have ongoing calligraphy, Tai Chi workshops every Thursdays and Wednesdays.

NYC Chinese Language, Art, Culture and Business Group

New York, NY
1,620 Chinese language enthusiasts

Please join our dynamic, spirited group for Chinese cultural workshop, business networking, artistic event and food cooking and tasting.

Next Meetup

Shaolin Taiyi Quan Practice lead by Master Zhang, XunHua

Sunday, Apr 8, 2018, 6:00 PM
1 Attending

Check out this Meetup Group →

Pictures: calligraphy workshops at Wall Street Chinese Teacher Zhiyuan Guan and Parsons Artist Lianjie Zheng, Tai Chi class with Rengang Wang.

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