What is important to do business with China? Chinese language of course. Actually it is more than that. Culture, history, education, stock market, real estate price etc, all of those are critical to do business with China. As a Business Chinese trainer for over 10 years, we know how to train the students to improve their language skills, but also to enhance their knowledge in their profession, their interests and in their life and work related issues. We choose real time news report to read, we also watch real time TV/reports/interviews about current events, students love this type of training very much since it is not old text book style, it is totally current and inspirational. Over the years, we train over 500 student in different industries, including finance, legal, real estate, movie, design, purchasing etc, we also trained over 1,000 students in Chinese culture, art and health topics, we were reported by many media over the years, you can come to our website www.WallstreetChinese.net.

As senior Business Chinese trainer, I trained a lot of professionals to get them dream job, relocation, important business presentation, getting to know China and Chinese business, I also learn a lot from my students. I hope we can come together to learn from each other and social more. I also want to share that we are going to increase our Eastern health workshops in our network in the future, I hope you can come and enjoy more. Contact us at info@wallstreetchinese.net

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