Everyone desires health and happiness.  Health does not only relates to your body, but also to your mind and spirit. When you achieve health in these three dimension, you will achieve wisdom and then happiness. Real happiness is excelling – free of stress with ultimate freedom!

By studying the wisdom of Chinese nutrition, Chinese medicine system which has over 2000 years of history, practicing Chinese classic exercises, you could achieve not only health but also enter the journal of a new life! As a team of health advocate and educator Helen Liu and  our expert health team, we want to reach out a hand to you on this wonderful journey, which is why are now collaborating with health experts in different areas to host weekly video education, Chinese health course, workshop, seminars, discussion panels, weekly outdoor Tai-Chi & Qigong practice, providing free consulting relating for any health related issue and provide you the best treatment of Chinese medicine. Art activities like calligraphy,  ink painting, music and poem writing  and tea drinking are also important part of building our mental balance.

Wall Street Chinese’s “Health community” is a professional team with many experienced and passionate health professionals.Our goal is to provide health education and service to everyone who believes in happy and healthy life by giving and sharing health tips and spirit!

Please check our Health consultant’s profile, If you are looking for their area of services, we are more than happy to give you reference to the best exercise, acupuncture, message service you deserve.

Below are the some health related workshops that is great for you!

Tea class

Historically, tea is a spiritual experience in China, so learning “Cha Tao” is a healthy, inspirational and cultural journey. The instructor will demonstrate how to use tea to purify your soul and learn to practice Tao. The Best tea making technique and best tea from different part of China will be shared in this class. You will also have unique opportunity and experience to try Chinese calligraphy, handcraft making and Chinese ink painting during the class. Video art, Tao music and the instructor’s art creation experience relating to Tao will also be used for the class. Chinese tea performance is really elegant and beautiful and is often combined with our tea lecture together.

Tao and Health

the 3,000 years old yijing is, with the hebrew Bible, the world’s oldest book in continuous use. This program will demonstrate how the ancient Chinese sages, probably including Confucius, used the classic. This presentation will explain c as a way to make life decisions in harmony with Tao (the ultimate principal of the Universe). Living in accord with the Tao results in a less stressed and healthier life. This presentation will explain the nature of this fascinating classic, explain how it is used, and then provide divinations for members of the audience.

If you are interested in learning health with Wall Street Chinese, please follow us on facebookTai Chi

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