No matter what business you are now, you have to pay attention to China and Chinese customers now,  right?

If you want to find Chinese clients, you must pay attention to social media marketing and translate your website into some level of Chines language.

As of today Chinese has 0.8 billion mobile phone users. Most of them are using smart phone and on WeChat – a Chinese version of popular social media platform – What’s app. It is so popular that even Dior is selling directly through this platform.

Social media marketing is so important that to have a website with Chinese language and to have exposure in Chinese social media are the key to success. If you want to reach Chinese customer target market or increasing your international presence, you have to show your respect towards your potential Chinese customers by reaching out to them in their native language.

Wall Street Chinese has been helping both individual business students and companies to build communication with Chinese. No matter what you need to communicate with Chinese, a presentation, proposal, contract, agreement, social media presence in Chinese, website translation etc,  we are willing to help. We can provide a unique translation service which summarizes your business down to a brief executive-level summary in Chinese. We can provide the research and understanding necessary to effectively communicate your message to potential Chinese customers.

Please contact or call 212 785 3088 for details. slider-10

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