
Wall Street Chinese was founded in 2009 by Helen Liu in the financial
district of New York City. Its vision has been to bridge East and West in
terms of business, language and culture.  To do that, we have focused our
efforts in three areas:
1. Business Chinese training for professionals seeking to do business in
Chinese or in Chinese cultures. This remains our signature program.
2. Chinese language programs for children.
3. Cultural awareness for the general public through workshops,
seminars and events.
Now, Wall Street Chinese is expanding to Chinese e-learning, to an overseas
program called Learn Chinese in China, and to Mandarin testing programs
including the proficiency test called Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) and the
Mandarin SAT test. This is combined with business consulting services to
small and medium sized companies, such as Feng Shui training and
consulting, marketing research, Chinese staffing, translation/interpretations,
and Mandarin administrative support.  We also provide professional US-
China networking bringing together American businesspeople, Chinese

investors in China, and Chinese living in the US in order to better
understand one another and create more business opportunities.
Wall Street Chinese is now there for you in America and overseas!
Please listen to the founder’s greetings below.

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