“Celebration of Chinese Culture” with Mandarin annoucement at NBA

Sports and culture, a perfect combination on 3/29/2015 when I went to watch a great NBA game at Barclays Center in Brooklyn: Brooklyn Nets vs La Lakers! When I entered the Stadium about 30 minutes before the game, I was so surprised to see two of our Chinese music teachers Feifei Yang and Ju Jia’s beautiful face on the giant screen and playing Er Hu and Pipa. The red “Celebration of Chinese Culture” banner was flashing for an audience of 20,000.…

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Speak 100% Mandadrin Summer Immersion Camp at Wall Street Chinese

As most of you know, the biggest barrier of learning second language is laking of immersion environment to practice. This summer, Wall Street Chinese professional Chinese teachers team design an immersion program to children 6 years to 17 years old.  Immersion means that both teaching and learning are only in mandarin, the single goal for our students is simple: to speak 100% mandarin by the end of the camp. Other than language, we have games, sports, cultural, art events, performance etc…

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Why It Is Getting More Important For American High School Students to learn Chinese/Mandarin?

Wall Street Chinese has been offering Chinese language program to pre schools, elementary schools in the great New York city area since 2012.  We offer regular school and after school mandarin programs to children between 5 to 15 years old. Even high school students age group is not considered the best age to learn second languages like Chinese, but as expert in teaching Chinese language, it is still better than later. As students in this age group can use logical…

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Wall Street Chinese founder Helen (Hanying) Liu talked about teaching Chinese and Chinese Business Culture in New York City

Wall Street Chinese was founded in 2009 in the Wall Street area of New York City with the vision of building  a communication bridge between the East and West, Business and culture. Founder Helen Liu was interviewed by WP TV to talked about her motivation of founding such an organization, its achievement and future plan. Please watch the TV report below. http://www.peaceever.com/002/05/20150210/5768.html

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Chinese Mandarin Becomes A Popular Second Language Choice for American Children

Jane King’s,  who is a Business News Reporter, sent her then 3 and 5 year old children to learn Chinese mandarin with Wall Street Chinese in 2012. Max and Lila who are now 5 and 7 years old, are very happy learning Chinese every week at home. Jane and Helen Liu, the founder of Wall Street Chinese, talked about why she let her children learned Chinese at such early age and how learning Chinese as second language help her children…

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WP TV interviewed Wall Street Chinese Teachers on How to Teach American Children Chinese

Right before Chinese new year on February 8th, 2015, WP TV interviewed four Chinese teachers of Wall Street Chinese. The four teachers are Wenwen Zhang, Yan Chen, YangFan Yang, Xinrui Lu, who are Chinese natives with education/bilingual education as major in different universities including Columbia university, New York University. We discussed the best age for learning a second language is 5 to 15 years old, different teaching methods we use to teach American children, what are the challenges they are…

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Wall Street Chinese’s founder’s Comment on Alibaba and Political Risk When Invest in China

ICN TV interviewed Wall Street Chinese’s Founder Helen Liu on 1/31/2015 for her view on political risk when invest in China. Here is the link. http://www.peaceever.com/002/01/20150201/5758.html

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Wall Street Chinese Students Talking about Alibaba Stock Fall

On January 31, 2015, Wall Street Chinese founder Hanying (Helen) Liu and her two students Ken Yang and Steve Wright who are both working in Finance industry accepted interview by ICN TV, talked about political risk when investing in China, such as Alibaba. Below is the link for the interview. http://www.peaceever.com/002/01/20150131/5757.html

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Jack Ma’s English communication ability and other qualities for success

We still remember Mark Zuckerberg’s impressive Mandarin Q & A in Tsinghua two months ago? Please watch this old speech in Standford by Jack Ma probably five years ago. Jack Ma’s speech in English was excellent, visionary and impressive, right?. It may take a longer time for people to appreciate Jack Ma’s vision and communication ability, but finally it happened when Alibaba went public two months ago with a record. Learning language and communication skill is a must for businessmen…

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Love and Appreciation from Wall Street Chinese!

Christmas and New Year is around the corner!  I want to share what I learned from 2014:  LOVE and APPRECIATION. I was asked often what Wall Street Chinese do, I often reply : teaching Chinese! But, actually we are teaching and sharing how to communicate among business communities, parents, schools with visions, most importantly to share culture and wisdom. Among what we do, the little students gave me the most amount of inspiration to me! I realized that the best decision…

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