
 2013_fengshuiIn today’s global economy, understanding and adapting to cultural differences and their implications is the key to real success.  Culture influences personal and business relationships, policy formulation and management styles.   Understanding the differences in business culture can mean the difference between success and failure. Success can bring long-lasting and mutually beneficial business relationships.

Wall Street Chinese provides professional business consulting services to bridge the East and West, business and culture. Such as Feng Shui training & consulting, Chinese business culture training,  Business English and international business culture training etc.

Wall Street Chinese offers  many business education programs,  such as internet radio program “One Minute Mandarin” with one year of mandarin learning program taught by its founder Helen Liu. We also produce a video program “China Talk – How to do business with China“.  Helen Liu talks about how to narrow the culture gap between the East and West and how to add creativity into your work and business to drive success.   We also share business tips with you on how to do business in China via blogs and various social media platforms. We aim to help you grow your business through these programs.

Please click this link  ” Wall Street Chinese – China Talk – Introduction” to watch our program.

You are welcomed to give us any feedback you may provide.

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