China Business

Doing Business With China And Chinese – Tips from Wall Street Chinese

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Learn Feng Shui: Wisdom and Strategy In Life and Career

Wall Street Chinese founder Helen Liu talked about Feng Shui

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Learn Chinese Mandarin At Happy Summer, Do Business With Chinese

Hello from Wall Street Chinese, It is FINALLY summer, what a fun time! Do you have travel plans? Also, if you or your family, friends or kids want to do some different fun things, like learning Mandarin, calligraphy, Tai Chi or Feng Shui, please check our website for details:, You can also contact us to inquiry about our Chinese language translation/consulting services, especially for business people. Through our innovative Eastern cultural programs based on Tao, Confucius, Yi Jing, Feng Shui etc, we…

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Why So Many Chinese Students Come to The USA For University and What Opportunities It Means?

Chinese students are flooded into American universities, together with their family savings, this is a new phenomenon and it means a lot – more than money itself, to America. Please read this article below.

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Wall Street Chinese’s Big Students and Little Students were included In Asian American Life TV Channel

Teaching Chinese to professionals and children for over eight years, Wall Street Chinese is niche in teaching Chinese to such a diversify age groups. We are proud to say that we are happy to help the business community and also many schools and colleages. We are very proud that our students were interviewed in this TV report, please see link below

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Professionals Learning Mandarin To Do Business With China And Much More

What is important to do business with China? Chinese language of course. Actually it is more than that. Culture, history, education, stock market, real estate price etc, all of those are critical to do business with China. As a Business Chinese trainer for over 10 years, we know how to train the students to improve their language skills, but also to enhance their knowledge in their profession, their interests and in their life and work related issues. We choose real…

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Chinese New Year Celebration is about East meets West

Chinese New Year – year of monkey is today!  New York city even reserve this day as a school holiday.  There are a lot of celebrations in New York City.  Calligraphy writing, Dragon dance, fireworks, what is Chinese near year about?  It is all about “Remove old and greet new”. Also when everyone is talking about Chinese are coming abroad to invest, it is all about “East meets West”. I am happy to see this is true in art and…

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Year Of Monkey – Chinese Zodiac & Feng Shui

It is a Chinese habit to always check “luck” – Yun Qi in the new year to get prepared.  Year of Monkey is coming on February 8th, 2016, I just checked mine, not bad. Furthermore, Chinese always check luck for important decisions, such as married persons, marriage date, buying properties, giving baby names even time to be born etc? why? Does Chinese Zodiac and Feng Shui scientific and believable? The answer is “Yes”.  The reason is this is based on…

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Business Chinese Professional Club – Help Young People to Achieve Goal in Career, life and Spirit

Wall Street Chinese is going to pre-launch a unique organization – Business Chinese professional club (BCPC). After training business professionals for over 6 years in New York,  Wall Street Chinese is planning to launch a professional organization for professionals who are bilingual in Chinese and English, appreciating multi culture with a dream career, balanced life, a healthy social life with motivation and spirit. Here is our mission statement for BCPC: Business Chinese communication skill is becoming more and more important…

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Chinese Helping Jewish Refugees During World War II – Documentary Film “Survivals in Shanghai”

I went to watch this documentary film “Survivals in Shahghai” with surprise to find such a large audience on 11/16/2015. This movie was called by Rabbi Arthur Schneiur  “A tribute to the Chinese people who provided refuge to over 25,000 European Jews who fled Nazi oppression and found heaven in Shanghai”. As Chinese myself, I am very surprised that such a small number of Jews that China saved out of the 6 million which was killed by Nazi in Europe…

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