China Business

WP TV interviewed Wall Street Chinese Teachers on How to Teach American Children Chinese

Right before Chinese new year on February 8th, 2015, WP TV interviewed four Chinese teachers of Wall Street Chinese. The four teachers are Wenwen Zhang, Yan Chen, YangFan Yang, Xinrui Lu, who are Chinese natives with education/bilingual education as major in different universities including Columbia university, New York University. We discussed the best age for learning a second language is 5 to 15 years old, different teaching methods we use to teach American children, what are the challenges they are…

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Wall Street Chinese Students Talking about Alibaba Stock Fall

On January 31, 2015, Wall Street Chinese founder Hanying (Helen) Liu and her two students Ken Yang and Steve Wright who are both working in Finance industry accepted interview by ICN TV, talked about political risk when investing in China, such as Alibaba. Below is the link for the interview.

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Jack Ma’s English communication ability and other qualities for success

We still remember Mark Zuckerberg’s impressive Mandarin Q & A in Tsinghua two months ago? Please watch this old speech in Standford by Jack Ma probably five years ago. Jack Ma’s speech in English was excellent, visionary and impressive, right?. It may take a longer time for people to appreciate Jack Ma’s vision and communication ability, but finally it happened when Alibaba went public two months ago with a record. Learning language and communication skill is a must for businessmen…

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Wall Street Chinese Sharing Feng Shui With Business Communities

I didn’t believe in Feng Shui. I didn’t believe in fate. I only believed in myself. But when everything I believed went wrong in earlier 2012, I got to know Dr LI by that year end.  Dr Li LI, who is a Phd in Bio – Physics form Connell university, worked at Golden Sachs at Wall Street, currently owning a hedge fund company with friend, is obviously having an very impressive academic and professional background. We happened to sit next…

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How To Do Business With China, even Fredrik Eklund of Million Dollar Listing Wants to Know!

A new record was created!!! China just celebrated its “11/11”, the so -called “singles festival” with a record on line sale of USD$9 billion. Chinese can shop! Now the whole world know the power of Chinese consumers on daily news,  but how to sell to Chinese?  I taught my very first celebrity student Fredrik Eklund of “Million dollar listing” on 11/5/2014. Chinese like status and values! How to combine the two, it is an art! Please watch Wall Street Chinese’s how…

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Why China becomes No.1 world Economy Power again and why Mark Zuckerburg Learn Mandarin

By Wall Street Chinese Founder Helen Liu If you know a bit of Chinese history, for about one thousand two hundred years up to 18th century, China was the richest country in the world.  Today when China becomes number one again, this shouldn’t be a surprise at all! Some people asks me why Chinese can achieve this honor again, I almost answer immediately without thinking: Culture of hard working and learning –  Just like a famous saying –  A genius…

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Wall Street Chinese Founder Helen Liu/ China Business – Other Than Facebook, Mark Zuckerburg Speaks Fluent Mandarin too!

I am very excited to hear Mark Zuckerburg’s speaking Chinese for the first time today! I am surprised that he appears to be so confident, sincere but also so humble when speaking Mandarin. I am not paying attention at how good is his Chinese, but he is extremely logic and he really understand the importance of Chinese language and culture  in his family life and in communication, probably in his future business idea too- I am sure because of this,…

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“One Minute Mandarin” Host and Wall Street Chinese founder Helen Liu Talking about Teaching Business Chinese for 15 years

By Helen Hanying Liu, trainer and founder of Wall Street Chinese In 2011, two years after I founded Wall Street Chinese at Financial district(Wall Street),  Steve Warren of ChinaAmericaRadio and I met at a Chinese new year party. I had the idea of teaching Chinese to the public for a while and he had the experience and idea of producing an audio mandarin program, so we clicked and started right away. For one year every week, I travelled to his…

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Helen Liu | Teaching 3 Waves of Professionals Business Chinese in Asia and New York City

– Helen (Hanying) Liu, President of Wall Street Chinese As a consultant and Chinese teacher for business professionals for nearly 15 years in Chicago, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore and New York, I’ve trained many business professionals, investment bankers, lawyers, executives and many others that were on their way to do business in China. While doing so, I experienced many of the ups and downs of the US and Chinese business world and relations. I caught the 1st wave of…

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Wall Street Chinese, Doing Business In China

The Success Of Alibaba – The Importance Of Understanding Chinese Business Culture

15 years ago, Jack Ma started his venture and dream that few people understood. Today he is considered the Chinese “Steve Jobs” and one of the most successful businessmen in history. Why and how he did it? Besides of having a vision and being persistent, his success is because, as a Chinese, he understands the Chinese culture, the market and consumers. The Chinese market is huge. But besides being huge, this market is still new and still has a lot…

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