China: Through The Looking Glass, in Culture and Business, how about start with Feng Shui?

Yesterday I went to the famous Metropolitan museum to watch the most talked fashion show about China: Through the Looking Glass. It is indeed beautiful, with movie scenes, antique dresses, fashions, videos, music etc, it hit your five senses with so much information, the rich history, the beauty of color and style, politics and most importantly the newly fashionable Chinese culture and art! Overwhelming, as it is! When you open major newspaper everyday – Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial…

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Film “Dreaming Against The World” about Artist Mu Xing With Chen DanQing

Yesterday I went to watch a beautiful and special film made by Tim Sternberg with English subtitle with natural Mandarin dub by Joanne Wang, the publisher of Mu Xing’s work. Few of us in the audience know about Chinese artist Mu Xing before this film screening.  Mu Xing was born in 1927 in Wuzheng, Zhejiang and died there in 2012. He is a true scholar and artist and he practiced drawing and writing in his whole life, he is also a…

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TriBeCa film festival – “All Eyes and Ears” and “China-US” Relationship and Its Effect to Business

Always love TriBeCa film festival for its vision, quality and taste. I went to see this movie All Eyes and Ears on 4/24/2015. China is doing great economically.  But what is real China? Are Chinese really free and happy? Through this movie at TriBeCa film festival  – ” All Ears and Eyes”,  we see a different picture with newspaper’s business news on Wall Street Journal.  Yes, China needs a better social system, it needs more freedom, it also needs to…

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Wall Street Chinese, Doing Business In China

New York City Real Estate And The Chinese Buyers – How To Do…

Those that are watching the New York City real estate market are running into one re-occuring buyer profile: Chinese! Over the past years, I have been approached by real estate agents and other related professionals with the same question, “can you get me in touch with Chinese real estate buyers”? In general I don’t mind referring people to other people that I trust will do a good job in treating my friends and clients. However, doing business with a different…

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Special Feng Shui Workshop for Real Estate Agents offered by Wall Street Chinese

Feng Shui has been an interesting and mysterious Eastern cultural topic. It is actually a combination of science and art, it involves intuition and calculations. Wall Street Chinese has been offered Feng Shui training to the business community since 2013,we are proud that help and inspire a lot of professionals in different industries. What is Feng Shui? Feng shui is an art of analyzing the impact of environment to human being. Feng Shui has been used on real estate industry…

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“Celebration of Chinese Culture” with Mandarin annoucement at NBA

Sports and culture, a perfect combination on 3/29/2015 when I went to watch a great NBA game at Barclays Center in Brooklyn: Brooklyn Nets vs La Lakers! When I entered the Stadium about 30 minutes before the game, I was so surprised to see two of our Chinese music teachers Feifei Yang and Ju Jia’s beautiful face on the giant screen and playing Er Hu and Pipa. The red “Celebration of Chinese Culture” banner was flashing for an audience of 20,000.…

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Speak 100% Mandadrin Summer Immersion Camp at Wall Street Chinese

As most of you know, the biggest barrier of learning second language is laking of immersion environment to practice. This summer, Wall Street Chinese professional Chinese teachers team design an immersion program to children 6 years to 17 years old.  Immersion means that both teaching and learning are only in mandarin, the single goal for our students is simple: to speak 100% mandarin by the end of the camp. Other than language, we have games, sports, cultural, art events, performance etc…

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Why It Is Getting More Important For American High School Students to learn Chinese/Mandarin?

Wall Street Chinese has been offering Chinese language program to pre schools, elementary schools in the great New York city area since 2012.  We offer regular school and after school mandarin programs to children between 5 to 15 years old. Even high school students age group is not considered the best age to learn second languages like Chinese, but as expert in teaching Chinese language, it is still better than later. As students in this age group can use logical…

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Wall Street Chinese founder Helen (Hanying) Liu talked about teaching Chinese and Chinese Business Culture in New York City

Wall Street Chinese was founded in 2009 in the Wall Street area of New York City with the vision of building  a communication bridge between the East and West, Business and culture. Founder Helen Liu was interviewed by WP TV to talked about her motivation of founding such an organization, its achievement and future plan. Please watch the TV report below.

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Chinese Mandarin Becomes A Popular Second Language Choice for American Children

Jane King’s,  who is a Business News Reporter, sent her then 3 and 5 year old children to learn Chinese mandarin with Wall Street Chinese in 2012. Max and Lila who are now 5 and 7 years old, are very happy learning Chinese every week at home. Jane and Helen Liu, the founder of Wall Street Chinese, talked about why she let her children learned Chinese at such early age and how learning Chinese as second language help her children…

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