Negotiating In Different Cultures | Including China

Negotiating is an art. Like art, if you want to interpret it right, you need to know about it and where it is coming from. It is the same with negotiations in different cultures. Before negotiating a business deal in a foreign culture, it is wise to learn about that culture and how negotiating is done. Have a look at the infographic from The Gap Partnership below and see how negotiating is different in many countries and cultures. Have you…

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China, Art, Business, Culture, language

Doing Business In China | Are The Foreigners Running Away?

Doing business in China has its challenges, no doubt. And so has working in China. If you don’t know what you put yourself, and others, into you might experience a surprise you haven’t expected. In recent times there have been some reports that the foreigners are leaving China for different reasons. SmartInternChina took a closer look at the situation and collected some interesting information. Have a look at the infographic below and see what really happens. Do you have any…

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China, Art, Business, Culture, language

China Business |Digital Ad Spending In China – Statistics And Trends

“Digital Ad Spending in China – Statistics and Trends” to know more about the online advertising market in China. Read the article and see the infographic here

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Healthy red tea drink Kombucha and how to make it

Tea, Tao and Art Group I have a friend who is making and drinking Kombucha and he is willing to share the health secret with you. I also remembered when I was young, all Chinese families were making Kombucha. Well, that fashioned passed quickly but I now realize that if Tea is a health drink, Kombucha must be good ! If you are willing to learn how to make it at home, come to learn with my friend Mike Li…

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