Chinese for Children

Voting Day Today, Tai Chi Day Tomorrow

I went to vote today for future president of America, did you? It is a sunny day and a bit chill. But today is special as voting is a mature citizen’s responsibility! Now let’s getting ready for Tai Chi. Wall Street Chinese has been introducing health tips to help our students, we are going to have a open workshop tomorrow on 11/9 at 7pm in a TriBeCa loft! “Play Tai Chi”??? also means “delay the process” or “communicate in indirect way”…

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Learn Chinese Mandarin At Happy Summer, Do Business With Chinese

Hello from Wall Street Chinese, It is FINALLY summer, what a fun time! Do you have travel plans? Also, if you or your family, friends or kids want to do some different fun things, like learning Mandarin, calligraphy, Tai Chi or Feng Shui, please check our website for details:, You can also contact us to inquiry about our Chinese language translation/consulting services, especially for business people. Through our innovative Eastern cultural programs based on Tao, Confucius, Yi Jing, Feng Shui etc, we…

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Summer is The Best Time to Learn Mandarin – Immersion program for Children, Pre-teens and Teens

Summer is an excellent opportunity for children to learn second language intensively.  As we all know, learning a second language needs Intensive and immersion environment. Wall Street Chinese provides such an creative and fun Chinese learning platform for children to learn and practice mandarin with teachers and other kids. We are offer the following summer programs 1.   Mandarin Immersion  for Pre school and Elementary School Students, location: 80 Bowery 302 or  165 Hudson 2B NY, NY 10013 We create this program…

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Wall Street Chinese’s Big Students and Little Students were included In Asian American Life TV Channel

Teaching Chinese to professionals and children for over eight years, Wall Street Chinese is niche in teaching Chinese to such a diversify age groups. We are proud to say that we are happy to help the business community and also many schools and colleages. We are very proud that our students were interviewed in this TV report, please see link below

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Learning Chinese As Passion & Dream – for Kids and Adults

Today New York City university Television Broadcast Channel Cable Channel 75 Came to report Wall Street Chinese. They want to know how what we did the last seven years in teaching Chinese to Americans. We had our kids students, professional students and parents joining us! Max who is 9 year old and Lila who is 6 have learned Chinese for 4 years, given the fact that learning Chinese is only a new fashion since a few years ago, they would…

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The Booming of Asian Culture Reflecting from Chinese New Year Celebration in New York

This is a fun year to see so many Lunar/Chinese new year celebration events almost everywhere in New York city, from Chinatown, Lincoln Center, Time Square, Madison Avenue, Natural History Museum, Americans are more eager to know about Chinese culture and art! I volunteer for China Theatre works last weekend, made about 50 monkey King puppets (pi Ying), now it is in plastic! It was so much fun to see the monkey king performance,Chinese dance, kids running around and absorb at…

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Chinese Helping Jewish Refugees During World War II – Documentary Film “Survivals in Shanghai”

I went to watch this documentary film “Survivals in Shahghai” with surprise to find such a large audience on 11/16/2015. This movie was called by Rabbi Arthur Schneiur  “A tribute to the Chinese people who provided refuge to over 25,000 European Jews who fled Nazi oppression and found heaven in Shanghai”. As Chinese myself, I am very surprised that such a small number of Jews that China saved out of the 6 million which was killed by Nazi in Europe…

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Jack Ma Speaking in English, Mark Zuckerburg in Mandarin, Being Billingual is Hot And Necessary!

Interesting enough, Mark Zuckerburg just talked with Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping in Chinese in Seattle; Mark even gave a business teaching to Tsinghua university in Mandarin recently; Chinese has been passion learning English since 80’s of last century, today almost all the young children speak some Chinese; Alibaba and TaoBao founder Jack Ma gave a interview in the US entirely in English? Language is disappearing too, please look at this TED talk. Learning second language can make one’s IQ 10…

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Chinese “Voice” Brings Cross East And West Language and Culture Experience into Chinese Society

Can you believe this is the 4th season of the Chinese “Voice”?!Since its introduction to China four years ago, it becomes such a successful production from American version of “voice” by adding so much Chinese value and culture into the show! Every week, the whole nation of China with 1.6 billion people are watching this impressive, delightful, inspirational and touching show. It has Chinese songs, English songs, Mandarin songs, Cantonese songs, it is a platform for any Chinese, no matter…

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Summer Camp at Wall Street Chinese: Mandarin Immersion

Summer is here, Wall Street Chinese will provide summer programs to schools and in some public libraries all over the New York city area as the previous two years since 2013.   Our professional teachers team will teach kids from 5 years and above Mandarin and Chinese characters, through stories,  games, songs etc. Summer is the best time to learn Chinese intensively with immersion program. Summer belongs to children, kids have right to enjoy the summer through learning Chinese, we want to…

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