Chinese Mandarin Becomes A Popular Second Language Choice for American Children

Jane King’s,  who is a Business News Reporter, sent her then 3 and 5 year old children to learn Chinese mandarin with Wall Street Chinese in 2012. Max and Lila who are now 5 and 7 years old, are very happy learning Chinese every week at home. Jane and Helen Liu, the founder of Wall Street Chinese, talked about why she let her children learned Chinese at such early age and how learning Chinese as second language help her children…

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Helen Liu | Teaching 3 Waves of Professionals Business Chinese in Asia and New York City

– Helen (Hanying) Liu, President of Wall Street Chinese As a consultant and Chinese teacher for business professionals for nearly 15 years in Chicago, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore and New York, I’ve trained many business professionals, investment bankers, lawyers, executives and many others that were on their way to do business in China. While doing so, I experienced many of the ups and downs of the US and Chinese business world and relations. I caught the 1st wave of…

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Gu Qin

Wall Street Chinese is specialized Chinese, art & cultural training and consulting in the Wall Street Area

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Dr. Wang QX (???) Calligraphy

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Chinese Ink Painting

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tea ceremony

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Tea and Tao

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