
Henry Zun – Young Chinese Singer With Heavenly Voice Is Coming to New York City!!

Chinese moon festival concert in Lincoln Center on 9/15/2017! Please listen to Henry Zun’s heavenly voice! Henry Zun was born in 1990, he was elected as champion of “Chinese new Song”‘s competition in 2014. He is a composer and singer. And he is coming to New York City this September, you can spend the Chinese moon festival with him! Chinese moon festival concert in Lincoln Center on 9/15/2017! Please listen to Henry Zun’s heavenly voice! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsHi6l5QNQY&index=9&list=RDo4SEprpq_V4

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Chinese Reacts To Mark Zuckerburg’s New Global Statement

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Last Christmas: George Michael’s visit to China in 1985

We got this sad news about George Michael on this very Christmas day! Do you know George visited China back in 1985, you can watch these videos below. You could see how China like 30 years ago with pure smile on people’s face.

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Moon Festival, Chinese Style Living and Chinese Internet Moniker “Wang Hong” and Chinese Market

If you are interested in Chinese market, I want to share you one impression: Changing! Yesterday I went to a Chinese moon festival gathering in New York City, it is interesting to find that an old Chinese tradition becomes very popular today, such as Qin playing, tasting tea and of course the unexpected new style moon cake. In the mean time, I read New York times which report a Chinese Wang Hong – someone becomes extremely popular at internet. Such…

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Learn Chinese Mandarin At Happy Summer, Do Business With Chinese

Hello from Wall Street Chinese, It is FINALLY summer, what a fun time! Do you have travel plans? Also, if you or your family, friends or kids want to do some different fun things, like learning Mandarin, calligraphy, Tai Chi or Feng Shui, please check our website for details: www.wallstreetchinese.net, You can also contact us atinfo@WallStreetChinese.net to inquiry about our Chinese language translation/consulting services, especially for business people. Through our innovative Eastern cultural programs based on Tao, Confucius, Yi Jing, Feng Shui etc, we…

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Summer is The Best Time to Learn Mandarin – Immersion program for Children, Pre-teens and Teens

Summer is an excellent opportunity for children to learn second language intensively.  As we all know, learning a second language needs Intensive and immersion environment. Wall Street Chinese provides such an creative and fun Chinese learning platform for children to learn and practice mandarin with teachers and other kids. We are offer the following summer programs 1.   Mandarin Immersion  for Pre school and Elementary School Students, location: 80 Bowery 302 or  165 Hudson 2B NY, NY 10013 We create this program…

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Wall Street Chinese’s Big Students and Little Students were included In Asian American Life TV Channel

Teaching Chinese to professionals and children for over eight years, Wall Street Chinese is niche in teaching Chinese to such a diversify age groups. We are proud to say that we are happy to help the business community and also many schools and colleages. We are very proud that our students were interviewed in this TV report, please see link below  http://www.cuny.tv/show/asianamericanlife/PR2004963?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0

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Business Chinese Professional Club – Help Young People to Achieve Goal in Career, life and Spirit

Wall Street Chinese is going to pre-launch a unique organization – Business Chinese professional club (BCPC). After training business professionals for over 6 years in New York,  Wall Street Chinese is planning to launch a professional organization for professionals who are bilingual in Chinese and English, appreciating multi culture with a dream career, balanced life, a healthy social life with motivation and spirit. Here is our mission statement for BCPC: Business Chinese communication skill is becoming more and more important…

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Beijing Opera – One Of The Best Reflection of Chinese Culture

A play based the most famous Chinese classic novel Hong Lou Meng – ???, English name is ” The dream of the Red Chamber  “, about You family’s 3rd sister’s love tragedy showed at Flushing cultural center, played by famous Beijing Opera artist Tong Zhi Ling’s daughter Tong Xiaoling on 10/4/2015 was just a typical example of the beautiful tradition of China. “Hong Lou Meng” was written by Chao Xueqing about a falling rich and powerful family in the Jiang…

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Chinese “Voice” Brings Cross East And West Language and Culture Experience into Chinese Society

Can you believe this is the 4th season of the Chinese “Voice”?!Since its introduction to China four years ago, it becomes such a successful production from American version of “voice” by adding so much Chinese value and culture into the show! Every week, the whole nation of China with 1.6 billion people are watching this impressive, delightful, inspirational and touching show. It has Chinese songs, English songs, Mandarin songs, Cantonese songs, it is a platform for any Chinese, no matter…

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