
Wall Street Chinese, Doing Business In China

Daily Business | Mother Wants Us To Teach Her 5 months Old Baby Chinese

By Hanying Helen Liu, Principal of Wall Street Chinese This week I received a phone call from a mother of a 5 month old baby. She wants us to teach her baby Chineses twice a week! While this a great honor for us, quite frankly, we have never taught anyone the Chinese language that early. Many people might believe that this is way too early a stage for a child to learn a second or even third language. However, my…

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Wall Street Chinese, Doing Business In China

Chinese Business Culture And Other Wisdom | Doing Business In China

Chinese business culture and other wisdom – By Vitus Feldmann – The Wall Street Chinese has helped American businesses and individuals setting foot in China since 2009. Besides language training, teaching and introducing Chinese culture, Chinese business culture was the most taught skill from all the services they offer on the business side.

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Wall Street Chinese, Doing Business In China

Chinese For Children | Kids Pick Up Quick On Foreign Languages

Learning a language is easiest as a child! The fact is known by (almost) everyone. As a matter of fact, many adults use this statement as an excuse to not learn another language. “I am too old” is what I hear quite often when I talk to adults about their lack of foreign language skills. While the excuse is lame, you can learn a foreign language at every age, it underlines the importance for children to learn another language. As…

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Mandarin, Chinese Art and Culture Summer Camp For Children With Wall Street Chinese

On Tuesday 7/15/2014, Wall Street Chinese gave a weekly special summer camp for children at Charles Churn Christian Academy. There were 20 children from 3 to 15 year olds old.  We had one Mandarin teacher and one art and culture teacher for each workshop. After 3 Feng Shui workshops for the last three weeks, we now started 3 Chinese Music workshops. In the 1st music workshop, The instrument “pipa” was introduced to the children. They learned the history of pipa…

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