Chinese Culture Class

Wall Street Chinese Sharing Feng Shui With Business Communities

I didn’t believe in Feng Shui. I didn’t believe in fate. I only believed in myself. But when everything I believed went wrong in earlier 2012, I got to know Dr LI by that year end.  Dr Li LI, who is a Phd in Bio – Physics form Connell university, worked at Golden Sachs at Wall Street, currently owning a hedge fund company with friend, is obviously having an very impressive academic and professional background. We happened to sit next…

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Healthy red tea drink Kombucha and how to make it

Tea, Tao and Art Group I have a friend who is making and drinking Kombucha and he is willing to share the health secret with you. I also remembered when I was young, all Chinese families were making Kombucha. Well, that fashioned passed quickly but I now realize that if Tea is a health drink, Kombucha must be good ! If you are willing to learn how to make it at home, come to learn with my friend Mike Li…

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